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About SAEP

The Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines (SAEP) as a leading partner and catalyst in the development of the aviation industry, was conceived within a framework to work for the promotion and advancement of Aeronautical Engineering in the Philippines.

The Society is an active member of the Philippine Technological Council (PTC), which is the umbrella organization of 14 Accredited Professional Organizations in the Philippines whose common ideal is: to create a confederated league wherein all technological associations can participate and concur in the promotion and provision of quality service and better life for the Filipino people and better future for the nation.


The SAEP logo is described in Article IX, Sec. 2 of the Society of Aerospace
Engineers of the Philippines’ By-Laws.

It consists of a gear symbolizing the engineering profession. At the center is a diamond-shaped airfoil in a supersonic flow as evidenced by shock waves and expansion waves (white lines) at its corners.

These symbolisms clearly associates the logo with the aeronautical engineering profession.


The Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines shall develop and advance the Aeronautical Engineering profession towards its recognition in the international aviation industry through:

  • Harmonious relationship among its members;
  • Recognition by relevant government agencies and non-governmental organizations;
  • Advocacy of international linkages; and
  • Enhancement and promotion of the global competitiveness of the Filipino aeronautical engineering professionals.


The Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines shall be geared towards the pursuit for recognition in the international aviation community.

It shall accelerate the development of high-leveled Aeronautical Engineers to make them productive members of the society.